Saturday, October 31, 2015
Pokemon Poke Ball Container
Thursday, October 29, 2015
The Steampunk Airship Captain's Repeating Pistol with brass range finder
I've been wanting to do an all metal Steampunk weapon for a long time, but have never really had the chance. Thankfully, since I've become an authorized Denix Gun Replica dealer I've had more access to these great replicas. I decided to convert this Vulcan Repeating Pistol into a Steampunk weapon with some real brass components. As I always like to add a bit of alt-history and sense to my guns---no random cogs and gears--- I added a short fictitious history to this weapon. Enjoy the read and pics below and if anyone is interested in picking up one of these great pieces, check out my shop at Geek House Creations.

"According to our records, the Air Captain's pistol was a heavily modified Vulcan repeating pistol used by select troops aboard dirigibles during the various Air Wars of the 19th century. The pistol fired two kinds of projectiles, the conventional 41. caliber round and the special and heavier incendiary thermite round. The thermite rounds were specifically designed as anti- dirigible rounds meant to cause fire and havoc on opposing airships. The heavy round required a complex range finder to use properly. The thermite round also required that the barrel be primed with air via the reloading level pump, A small gauge indicted when the barrel was primed and the gun could be fired."
Next up, I'll be posting a link to my alternate Geek House Creations shop where I'll be carrying all great Denix Replica products that I can't carry on Etsy Geek House Creations. I'm really looking forward to being able to offer all the great Denix guns, swords, armor, and gear available through Denix, If you've ever held one for their reproductions in your hands, you will be hooked. So stay tuned!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Pokeman Bulbasaur Plantern says "Thank God it's Friday!"
This is what happens when you go to work and leave your 3D Printer printing a Pokeman Bulbasuar plantern and filament runs out. Poor guy lost his head. Thank God it's Friday. Been a long week.
If anyone is interested, the real thing is available at Geek House Creations.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Progress pics of the Van Helsing Witch Hunter's bow
I just sent a customer this progress pic of our "Mata Bruja" Witch-Hunting Crossbow she purchased for her Halloween costume. This is the main body without shading and crossbar.
You seen see the completed crossbow at Geek House Creations' listing for the "Mata Bruja".
You seen see the completed crossbow at Geek House Creations' listing for the "Mata Bruja".
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Choose your sci-fi gun! Geek House Creations quiz.
Yesterday was packing day at Geek House Creations. With all the Cons and Halloween coming up, I've got quite a number of orders. This is just a sampling of all the sci-fi and Nerf guns being sent out.
Can you name them all?
Thursday, October 8, 2015
New Improved Blade Runner PKD Service Revolver from Geek House Creations
A few months back I used a cheap plastic toy gun to create a copy of the iconic Blade Runner PKD service pistol. I've always loved this oddly shaped gun with it's double triggers, out of place rifle bolt, and lights. So I decided to revisit my design and see if I could upgrade it somehow, Here we have the result-- the Blade Runner "deluxe" PKD service pistol with stand. It features three LED lights and a display stand. The gun can be taken off the stand and used in cosplay or on the stand as a piece of geek decor around the house. Available at the link below for anyone who is interested. Hope you like. Comments, questions, and thoughts always welcomed.
You can buy the new deluxe Blade Runner PKD Service Pistol here at Geek House Creations.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
X-Files is back and so am I!
The X-Files are back! I can't tell you what a case of the feelies I get watching this trailer. The X-Files was one of my all time favorite shows in the 90's, and I still remember it fondly. I don't know if they are bringing back permanently since this seems to be a six episode run, but I certainly hope they do. The trailer suggests that this run is going to have some of my favorite X-Files elements: modern day paranoia, agency intrigue, social commentary, and Cancerman, all with a touch of 1950's Cold War secret history thrown in. Mulder's old and haggard look actually works well, I think. He seems to have grown into the role of an FBI burnout.
So the X-Files are back and hopefully so am I. The last few weeks have been incredibly hectic, not only with "real life" work but also filling out Geek House Creations orders. It's Halloween and convention season so everyone is ordering and everyone needs their orders yesterday. But....I am determined to get some new posts in and create some new pieces in the next few weeks.
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